Saturday, March 19, 2011


I admit it!  I love being snowed in!  Just when I thought spring was finally here, a big snowstorm arrived!   I've received two feet of snow in the last two days and it is still snowing!  The forecast is for snow every day for the next week. 

My home is very secluded in the forest.  It is actually three and half miles from the nearest neighbor.  Winter is usually the time when I do the most painting.   Being more reclusive and alone in the winter,  I usually don't feel much like going out.  It is a time of going inward for me and of putting what I am feeling on the canvas.  How I love it when it snows so much that nobody can get to me.   The total privacy is so heavenly and sacred.  It's just me and the forest, alone, together, feeling safe and protected from the world!

My mind is running crazy now with new ideas and with endless energy to paint.  I don't know where to start.  All of a sudden, I find myself wanting to start five paintings at the same time. It's so exciting to have this time with no distractions and a beautiful winter wonderland outside my window.  Although, the birds may be a little confused.  Some birds keep landing on the snow near my windows.  They probably thought spring was coming too.  Hopefully they can find shelter and enough food to survive.

I guess when I need to get to town for supplies, I'll have to get my big old orange Tucker snowcat started and cruise down the road to my car parked three and a half miles away.  But for now, I will just lie low and shelter in and paint to my heart's content as the snow keeps falling!

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